Evangelism and Missions of John Calvin


John Calvin was one of the greatest missionaries who ever lived.  During the 16th century, there was a lot of persecution in Europe as the Roman Catholics persecuted the Protestants. Many people left their homeland to Geneva, Geneva was a refugee center as thousands upon thousands fled to Geneva to escape prosecution. Here people had to find jobs and to find a new life in Geneva as so many people flocked to Geneva.  There were English speaking, German speaking, French speaking and Italian speaking Christians forgetting their culture but uniting in Christ in Geneva.  However, Geneva was French speaking as it was close to France. Once they arrived in Geneva, they sat under Calvin’s preaching. These refugees’ hearts were stirred for Christ and for their homeland. After Calvin’s teachings, many of them were convinced that they should return to their homeland and preach the gospel. But Calvin said, a good missionary is a good theologian, he did not send them right away to their homelands but trained them in theology. Calvin trained them in theology, helped them in their preaching, and examined their moral character.  Once they were qualified, Calvin encouraged them to go.


Calvin also maintained an on going relationship with the missionaries who went back to their homeland. There were on going advice between these who went and John Calvin depending on situations. Calvin’s students were not only missionaries on a refrigerator but they were brothers who had an on going relationship with him. There was a vibrant relationship with the missionaries. They were all trained and sent by John Calvin.  In 1555, Calvin in Geneva planted 5 Protestant Churches in France. In 1559, John Calvin was able to plant 100 churches in France.  1562 Geneva and her sister cities were able to plant 2000 churches in France. Brothers and sisters this is how God used John Calvin to spread the gospel; this is the theologian, Pastor and Missionary, John Calvin.  But today we are hearing John Calvin did not care about missions. People say Calvinism is a threat to missions; do not listen to the lies, which are said ignorantly not really knowing the true John Calvin. Which denomination had planted 2000 churches in a 7-year period? None.  John Calvin was one of the leading church planters during the reformation. Scholars believe by 1565 there were about 3 million protestants in France, directly influence by John Calvin’s teaching, preaching, counseling and church planting.  France became so close to becoming a protestant country.


Luther came and completed solid new structure resting on the Word of God. The completion of the building, however, was left to John Calvin, a master theologian, the pastor, missionary and the church planter whom God used in a mighty way during the reformation. He did not compromise the Word of God, what scripture taught Calvin believed. Students came from all over the world to listen to his lectures.


Later years


In his later years Calvin was afflicted with fever, asthma and gout. About two or three years before he died Calvin became very sick. His friends advised him to rest in his labors. However, Calvin replied to them, “Do you want the Lord to find me idle?” Sometimes he had to be carried on a stretcher to the pulpit. On February 6th, 1564 when he was about 55 years old, John Calvin preached his last sermon. Several times during the sermon he had difficulty in breathing, yet he preached, as Calvin wanted to run the race to the very finish. On April 25th 1564 he spent much time in prayer and died in the arms of his faithful friend Theodore Beza.